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Cynthia Brace
Nutritionist, Health Coach and Reiki Practitioner
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Hi I’m Cynthia and I’m an empathetic but lovingly tough health and mindset coach who works with motivated people to change their lifestyle for the better.  Did that scare you? Don’t worry.  I meet clients where they are in their health and as a past client said “The best part of what I learned with Cynthia was that her unique suggestions were easily incorporated into my daily life”.


Whether you:

Struggle with a specific health condition

Want to lose weight naturally

Want to have more energy

Want less stress

Want to be happier

Or want to create a lifestyle that supports your body every day


I can help by providing the support and knowledge needed for you to succeed.


Formally I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (R.H.N). I also am a Reiki Practitioner and author of Redesign Your Interior | 8 Steps to Reclaiming Your Health and Creating a Balanced Life.


I’m passionate about helping people by showing them step-by-step, how to create a routine that creates their own unique balance and health. Okay, who am I kidding not only balance and health but weight loss, more energy, better sleep, clear-headed, focused, happier, empowered. 


Ready to get started?

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